Tour of Jewish North Adams

North Adams has a rich Jewish history, 150 (or so) years of it. Starting in the summer of 2017, you will be able to take a guided tour of Jewish North Adams. Appointment necessary.

Film Series

Guest Speakers

From time to time we present guest speaker, book readings, lectures, etc.

CBI Library

Our library has a large collection of books of a variety of topics. Members may sign out books for free.


Join us on Friday mornings from 9 to 9:30 a.m. for silent meditation interspersed with a few teachings and closing with a niggun. No meditation experience necessary.

Torah Study

Join us on Saturday mornings at 11 for Torah study after services (or: join us at 9:30 am for services, and then for Torah study!). Please note that sometimes Torah study is folded in to the service; we'll try to indicate in announcements when that's going to be the case.

For the most up-to-date information about all of our adult learning offerings, please visit the education category at the From the Rabbi blog. It is updated every time there is a new class or a new bulletin about a class. Thanks!
Adult Learning
Jewish Book Discussion Group

What's the relationship in Jewish tradition between forgiveness and teshuvah (repentance / return)? How does Jewish tradition view forgiveness and teshuvah? Why are they important? How do we practice them? What if we don't know how to, or don't feel able to, forgive? What if someone is unable to forgive us?

Join Rabbi Rachel for a three-part class exploring these themes, on two Sunday mornings and one Saturday morning during the lunar month of Elul (the month leading up to the high holidays). The class will meet on:

Sunday September 11 at 10am

Saturday September 17 11am (after services)

Sunday September 25 at 10am

The class is free and open to all. If you would like to pay some kind of tuition for the class, donations are welcome to the rabbi's discretionary fund, which enables the rabbi to support congregational life and to help congregants in need. Please sign up by emailing the rabbi at