Rosh Hodesh
CBI women's group
What is Rosh Hodesh?

It is the first day of each Hebrew month on which the new moon is greeted. In ancient times, it was seen as a women’s holiday, since the moon is a natural symbol of a women’s cycle. Today, Rosh Hodesh has been revived as a monthly women’s festival – a time to gather to pray and study and celebrate our womanhood.

At CBI, the Rosh Hodesh Group meets once a month on the new moon. We meet for a combination of female camaraderie, support and learning, and just plain fun. Each month there is a facilitator who leads a topic and a host who offers her home and light refreshments. The group is informal, generous-hearted, accepting and kind. We are women of many ages and backgrounds, and we gladly welcome newcomers. Any woman who is a Congregation Beth Israel member is welcome to join us. If you have any questions about the Rosh Hodesh Group, you may contact the synagogue office.

At the beginning of each year, we plan activities for our bi-monthly meetings.  A typical year includes a Hanukkah Celebration, Crafts Night, Book and Film Discussions and excursions to places like the Yiddish Book Center, etc.

We look forward to seeing you!