Saturday, January 2, 9:30am: Shabbat Morning Services
Shabbat morning service will be led by Rabbi Jarah Greenfield. Services will be livestreamed via Zoom videoconferencing (so we can see each others' faces).
Monday, January 4, 1pm: Rabbinic Drop-In Hour
No appointment needed! Come chat with Rabbi Rachel about whatever’s on your mind in CBI's Zoom room. Bring your own cup of tea!
Tuesday, January 5: B-Mitzvah Zoom Class
Our Hebrew School's B-Mitzvah class will meet on Zoom, led by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat.
Wednesday, January 6: Ne'arim Zoom Class
Our Hebrew School's Ne'arim class will meet on Zoom, led by Heather Levy.
Friday, January 8, 7:30pm: Monthly Zoom Shabbat Dinner At Home
Join the CBI community in the CBI Zoom room for our monthly community Shabbat dinner together-at-home. We'll light candles, bless bread and wine / juice, and then hang out together on Zoom while we eat dinner. For more information, including upcoming dates, read on below! To RSVP on Facebook, please click here! (All are welcome to join, even if they forget to RSVP!)
Saturday, January 9, 9:30am: Shabbat Morning Services
Shabbat morning service will be led by Rabbi Jarah Greenfield. Services will be livestreamed via Zoom videoconferencing (so we can see each others' faces).
Journey Into Judaism in 2021
Rabbi Rachel is hoping to teach Journey Into Judaism in 2021. This class is explicitly for those who might be on a path toward conversion, and for those who are already Jewish and want to learn more about our traditions and spiritual practices. We will meet over Zoom, probably twice a month, scheduling TBD. If you are interested, please let the rabbi know. (And if you know someone outside of the CBI community who might be interested, please pass this along to them too!)
Monthly Zoom Shabbat Dinner At Home
Many of us are feeling disconnected or lonely as we approach the coming pandemic winter. So we're starting a monthly Shabbat dinner gathering over Zoom, intended to connect us with each other and with our community. Whether you're brand-new to CBI or your family's been here for generations, join us, meet each other, chat and schmooze, and enjoy Shabbat dinner together from all the places where we are!
Join the CBI community on the first Friday of the month* at 7:30pm in the CBI Zoom room for a community Shabbat dinner together-at-home. We'll light candles, bless bread and wine / juice, and then hang out together on Zoom while we eat dinner.
Upcoming dates: January 8*, February 5, & March 5
(*January's date is not the first Friday due to it falling on New Year's Day.)
To RSVP for January's date
Wednesday, January 13, 8pm: The Infinity Inside with R. Laura Duhan-Kaplan
Join us on Zoom for a conversation with Rabbi Laura Duhan-Kaplan. Rabbi Laura is a spiritual teacher, professor, and writer. Her studies of world traditions have helped her understand what is both unique and universal about Judaism. As a teacher, she brings big concepts to life with personal experience. Rabbi Laura lives in Vancouver, Canada, where she is Director of Inter-religious Studies at the Vancouver School of Theology and Rabbi Emerita of Or Shalom Synagogue. She shares a home with her husband and musical partner Charles, their young adult children, and a changing array of companion animals. She blogs at To RSVP for this event on Facebook,
Saturday, January 30, 10am: Tu BiShvat Walk Up Stone Hill
We'll meet at 10am in the parking lot at the Clark Art Institute (225 South Street in Williamstown, MA). Join us as we take a (masked, socially distanced) gentle contemplative walk up Stone Hill — hopefully learning a bit about local trees as we go — and at the top of the hill, we'll toast to the health of the trees, with etrog spirits or citrus fizzy water! To RSVP on Facebook, please click here!
Visit for a up-to-date listing of Jewish arts and culture in western MA, including the Pioneer Valley, Berkshires, and southern VT. Search events for kids and families, adult learning, on campus, spirit and holiday, and more. Join the conversation on the Jewish Culture Connect Facebook page!
While our building is closed, donations of dry and canned foods for the Berkshire Food Project – as well as toiletries for the Louison House and the Elizabeth Freeman Center – should be made directly to either organization. Please also consider supporting MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger with a donation.
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From the Rabbi
From the Rabbi